One of the attractions of the Episcopal Church is our liturgical worship. Our worship has as its focal point our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One of the aspects of our worship that highlights this is that our services involve far
more than the minister leading it. There are lectors and chalice bearers, choir and organist, vergers, and acolytes.
Our acolytes are serve as ministers of the word and sacrament. They literally lead us into worship and throughout the service are instrumental in pointing the way to Christ through Word and Sacrament.
We are blessed to have a strong group of boys and girls that serve our parish as acolytes. Their presence enhances and enriches our worship service. The Acolyte Ministry is open to boys and girls ages 7 through 18. Each member of the acolytes normally serves one Sunday every 5 to 6 weeks.
more than the minister leading it. There are lectors and chalice bearers, choir and organist, vergers, and acolytes.
Our acolytes are serve as ministers of the word and sacrament. They literally lead us into worship and throughout the service are instrumental in pointing the way to Christ through Word and Sacrament.
We are blessed to have a strong group of boys and girls that serve our parish as acolytes. Their presence enhances and enriches our worship service. The Acolyte Ministry is open to boys and girls ages 7 through 18. Each member of the acolytes normally serves one Sunday every 5 to 6 weeks.